Cold and Flu Season is Here. Are You Ready?
Nine out of ten foodservice workers polled feel responsible for the safety and well-being of their customers, yet about 51 percent go to work sick.1 Making matters worse, someone can be contagious before they even show symptoms. Sick employees can quickly spread cold and flu viruses amongst themselves or to guests, and vice versa. Prevention is essential!

An important step in Cold and Flu prevention is proper Hand Hygiene
Practicing good hand hygiene is an important preventative measure in staying healthy and well throughout cold and flu season. The Food Code indicates that proper hand washing should take at least 20 seconds and include running warm water, soap, friction between the hands for 10 to 15 seconds, rinsing, and drying with clean towels or hot air. In instances where soap and water are not available, the CDC recommends the use of an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.2 Washing and/or sanitizing hands frequently should already be a part of any foodservice operation's standard procedures. Review hand hygiene with staff. Place hand sanitizing wipes throughout the back of house and other places employees frequent to serve as a visual trigger and increase compliance.
Download and display this poster to remind employees to properly sanitize hands:
- Near hostess station
- Near take-out window
- When returning from restroom
- Before and after handling or preparing food
- After coughing or sneezing
- After contact with others

Reduce the spread of common germs on hands with Sani Professional® Hands Instant Sanitizing Wipes.
- Kills 99.99% of germs on hands
- Proven 99.99% effective in 15 seconds against top foodborne pathogens*
- Studies prove that hand wipes are more effective than gels at removing dirt and soil from hands4
- Approved and recommended for use prior to handling, preparing or eating food
- NSF certified
- FDA food code compliant
- Ideal when soap and water are not available
The Sani Professional® line of wipes allows you to prepare now and save money later.
Disinfecting high-touch surfaces is another important step that most people don’t think about.
Cold viruses can survive inside on high touch surfaces for seven days, or longer. Influenza viruses can survive on high touch surfaces for up to 24 hours.3 Review with staff the importance and specifics about disinfecting high-touch nonporous nonfood contact surfaces frequently throughout the day with disinfecting wipes.

Sani Professional® Disinfecting Multi-Surface Wipes are ideal for high-touch surfaces.
- Kills 99.9% of bacteria in just 15 seconds
- Proven effective against 24 organisms*
- Kills the cold & flu virus**
- Bleach-free and alcohol-free
- EPA Registered
- Use regularly on high touch areas and restrooms
*See tech data sheet for details.
**Effective against common cold virus caused by Coronavirus and common flu virus caused by Influenza A/Hong Kong
4 Independent Study: Hill Top Research Laboratory, Miamiville, OH (09/04)