Are You Really Sanitizing?
Is Your Staff Sanitizing Properly?
Most foodservice operators believe their staff is sanitizing properly. Yet, 50% of foodborne disease outbreaks attributed to dining in a restaurant1 and common health code violations indicate that is often not the case.
Over 50% of foodborne disease
outbreaks have been attributed to dining in a restaurant.1
top 5
Poor kitchen sanitation and cross-contamination are two of the top 5 most common health code violations2
Keeping your guests safe is extremely important and just using a sanitizer does not mean proper sanitization is taking place. In fact, traditional methods of sanitizing have many steps and can be very complicated and time consuming that chances are high, it is not being done correctly (or at least not consistently). If proper sanitization is not taking place, then you are putting your guests at risk of a foodborne illness outbreak and your business at risk of receiving a violation, or worse— damaging your brand and/or being shut down.
With cleaning and proper sanitizing vital to overall food safety, complicated sanitizing protocols can be difficult to implement and confusing for staff. Download our resource to help spot some of the most common sanitizing pitfalls and test your sanitizing IQ.